Writer Guidelines for Aspiring Authors

Building Your Novel’s Worldview

The characters you create and the storyline you construct exist in the fictional world you build. Call it the Worldview because it encompasses all physical and abstract realities impacting your novel. Before you begin writing, you must know the Worldview. Actually, you must know two: the one existing when your protagonist steps on the page, and the other that is “better or worse” (what the protagonist fights for or against).

Overcoming Writer’s Block

Once you make the commitment to write a novel, writer’s block won’t happen right away because the emotional high from making a commitment will carry you along. But as with just about every activity that takes your time and energy, you will reach a point where procrastination hits and you can’t think of anything to write.

What Makes a Novel Successful?

Writing a captivating novel is a talent, not a science; it is an art, not a craft. All painters have the same tools at their disposal, but only a handful end up “decorating” museum walls. The same applies to writing. Here is a list of what you can do to make a great novel. Choose what you think will work for the book you are writing.

How to Harness and Improve Creativity

What traits do creative people have? Research suggests they have: broad-based experience and expertise, pattern-recognizing ability,venturesome personality, intrinsic motivation, and a creative/supportive environment. And no matter how much creativity you are naturally endowed with, you can improve it!

What Every Novelist Needs to Know About the Soft Sciences

An author needs to have a working knowledge of the soft sciences – Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, and Economics – because nearly every book or article mentions some aspects. This article gives you a primer on each. An author needs to have a working knowledge of the soft sciences – Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, and Economics – because nearly every book or article mentions some aspects.

What Every Author Needs to Know About Show and Tell

Novels are all about telling a story (aka storytelling) and writers have only one actual tool for doing that: words. Authors use words to tell (aka narrate) a story. Yes, but a skillful author can use words to paint pictures in the mind’s eye for readers to “see” action and characters and to feel their reactions.

How to Write a Novel

You can find many books or articles describing how to write a novel. I have read many, and though there are many ways to do it, all share common elements. This article distills them out and will serve as a great guide for what you must consider.

How to Storyboard Your Novel

You have created a novel, which lives in your brain and those of people who read it. And like a proud parent, you want a selection of pictures you can show to others so they will share your joy and buy the book or – even better! – decide to turn it into a movie.

How to Expand Your Consciousness Using Archetypes

by Scott Jeffrey
What is an archetype? And how can we use them to elevate our consciousness, support our development, and increase our achievements?